Randy Carroll

Randy Carroll

Randy Carroll - Weekdays on KJ97 in San Antonio, Texas. Want to know more about Randy Carroll? Get their official bio, social pages and more articles...Full Bio


Which George Strait Hit is The Best?

The GEORGE STRAIT tournament on WhiskeyRiff.com is finally over. Basically fans got to vote which of his 60 Number One hits, along with four other classics. . . is TRULY Number One.

George's songs were divided into four different "eras". The winner for 1982 - 1988 was"Amarillo By Morning". . . for 1989 - 1993 it was "Love Without End, Amen". . . 1994 - 1999 was "I Can Still Make Cheyenne". . . and lastly, 2000 - 2013 was "Troubadour".

So between those four songs, it came down to"Amarillo By Morning"and"Troubadour", which is pretty ironic because neither were Number One hits.

And in the end, the winner was . . . drumroll please . . .

1983's "Amarillo By Morning". Did you know this song is actually a cover? The original by Terry Stafford came out in 1973. Check out George's video recorded live at the Houston Rodeo from the 1980's.

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