Photo: Getty Images
Nature documentaries can give viewers a close-up look at certain aspects of Earth that they never otherwise could witness. From footage from the freezing poles to the hot countries on the Equator, the fascinating films that focus on flora and fauna entertain millions of people across the globe. However, there is one in particular that recently started getting a lot of attention for a strange reason. It's called Great North and actually came out in 2001. While the film examines the landscape of the Arctic, it allegedly wound up capturing Bigfoot on film.
The surprising scene happens as a herd of caribou is seen running alongside a river in the northern part of Quebec, Canada. Before long, a black Sasquatch-like figure can be seen moving near them. It ducks down below a small ridge and disappears.
Many people might just assume that the figure is a member of the film crew, but one of the movie's cinematographers, William Reeve, is certain that's not what's in the footage. In an interview on a video on the ThinkerThunker YouTube channel, he stated, "There was no one on camera except for myself at the riverside. And the entire crew was on the riverside of the camera, the riverside of the shoot... There was no one on foot. Anyone who got into the shot who was a crew member would have to buy the beers at night, so that's just bad protocol. There's absolutely no way we would put a human being in that peril."
As for if it was a local who walked through the shot, Reeve refuted that too saying, "Absolutely not. There were no strangers for hundreds of miles of where we were. It was only us and a very small crew. We had a skeleton crew of only nine people and used two helicopters to sometimes reposition the herds, being very careful to avoid stressing the animals."
He went on to negate another theory, that it was a bear, explaining that it is highly unlikely since where they were was the "northern limit of their range," adding, "Furthermore, if a bear had given chase it would have been running on all four paws and in a horizontal position - and this object that we're seeing is more upright and appearing to be running on two legs."
As yet, no official explanation of what the figure is has been given.