Even though Fiesta 2020 has been postponed until November due to the coronavirus, doesn’t mean we can’t still celebrate virtually together in April.
The Fiesta San Antonio Commission has begun a social media “come together” campaign called #AtHomeFiesta- encouraging people to share how they might be celebrating Fiesta, had the event been held this month. Starting Thursday, April 16, everyone is invited to gather virtually for Pin Pandemonium on Facebook and Instagram.
The Fiesta Store will share Fiesta 2020 medals available for purchase online herewith proceeds supporting many Fiesta nonprofits.
What Fiesta Fans can do:
Click here to join the virtual Pin Pan party on Facebook!
Download Fiesta virtual backgrounds for all you virtual happy Hours, meetings and more here.
On your Facebook and Instagram pages, post your favorite photos of past Pin Pandemoniums and share photos of your favorite Fiesta 2020 medals – be sure to include the hashtag #AtHomeFiesta with your post.
Then, gather remotely four more times for #AtHomeFiesta Watch Parties to bring the community together virtually in celebration of the great causes of Fiesta San Antonio. During the broadcasts, viewers will be encouraged to go to the Fiesta San Antonio Commission website and donate to any of Fiesta’s nonprofits, which provide important services to our community all year long.Make plans to watch on television or stream on the following dates:
Monday, April 20 @ 7-10pm:Texas Cavaliers River Parade on KSAT-12
Friday, April 24 @ 1-5pm:SA Live Lead-In Party and Battle of Flowers Parade on KSAT-12
Saturday, April 25 @ 7-10pm:Fiesta Flambeau Parade on KSAT-12
Sunday, April 26 @ 12-3pm:Battle of Flowers Band Festival on KSAT-12
What Fiesta Fans can do:
Celebrate Fiesta with our community by dressing up and decorating your home in Fiesta and preparing or picking up your favorite Fiesta foods as you watch the broadcasts.
Snap a picture of you and your family watching the rebroadcasts and share on your Facebook and Instagram pages tagging @FiestaSA and adding the hashtag #AtHomeFiesta in the text of your post.
Official Fiesta Royalty, the Spurs Coyote and others will make appearances.
*Click HERE for the Fall Fiesta schedule.
The Fiesta Store
Online store is open 24/7 - For product assistance email store manager at Veronica@FiestaSanAntonio.org
Address: 2611 Broadway St., San Antonio, TX 78215
Website: https://shop.fiesta-sa.org/
Phone: 210-227-5191
Hours: Online store is open 24/7