This timeless, captivating story is brought to life in this glorious musical filled with personal discovery, heartache, hope, and everlasting love. A complete theatrical experience, this production guarantees a night filled with laughter, tears, and a lifting of the spirit.
“Based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott, which was originally published in two volumes (1968/1869), Little Women the Musical premiered on Broadway in 2005. The beloved characters, who are taken from Alcott's real life, have also been brought to life in over a dozen motion picture,cartoon & television adaptations, numerous stage & radio scripts and an opera. In researching and reviewing the multiple source materials while preparing to direct this production I found myself inspired the by just that:Inspiration. Artists are constantly challenged and rewarded to find inspiration from a vast array of sources to fuel the creative process. This can range from a leaf blowing in the wind that mirrors a subtle dance gesture to a political up-rise that becomes the backdrop of a historical fiction series. Jo March exemplifies that notion, as she finds inspiration in everything around her, most notably her sibling love & rivalry, the sternness of her aunt and the strength of the mother.”
-Andy Meyers, Director Little
Little Women runs January 26- February 18 in the Russell Hill Rogers Theater. For tickets and more information, visit our website
Jo March - Chloe Voreis
Meg March - Katherine Leidlein
Amy March - Rosa Gardner
Beth March - Campbell Wilford
Marmee March - Megan DeYoung
Laurie - Brendan Brady
John Brooke - Grant Bryan
Professor Bhaer - Robby Vance
Aunt March - Lindsey Van De Kirk
Mrs. Kirk- Nicole Erwin
Mr. Laurence - John Towry
Director- Andy Meyers
Music Director- Jane Haas
Choreographer- Courtnie Mercer
Stage Manager- Meagon Ligons
Assistant Stage Manager- Sondra Gervasi