Randy Carroll

Randy Carroll

Randy Carroll - Weekdays on KJ97 in San Antonio, Texas. Want to know more about Randy Carroll? Get their official bio, social pages and more articles...Full Bio


Shania Twain Opens Up About Finding Body Confidence At 57

When it comes to spreading body positivity, Shania Twain is one of the world’s biggest cheerleaders. At 57, the international country music superstar and 5-time Grammy winner is embracing herself, accepting her body’s changes and wants other women to feel great about themselves too. But surprisingly, part of Shania‘s new plan of true acceptance involves a unique dream born from feeling happy in her own skin, a nude weekend away with her closest girlfriends. “I’m dreaming out loud here, but I want to go to a remote area somewhere in the world and just have a nude weekend, just with the girls, the women I am the closest to.” “I just started looking at myself in the mirror naked as I grow older, and now, I’m so well into menopause, my skin is changing. Everything is changing and I’m finally feeling more comfortable in my own skin than I ever have. It’s been a journey to accept all of me. I’ve come a long way,” she explains. What things would you consider doing now that you would never have considered when you were younger?  

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