Randy Carroll

Randy Carroll

Randy Carroll - Weekdays on KJ97 in San Antonio, Texas. Want to know more about Randy Carroll? Get their official bio, social pages and more articles...Full Bio


Most Popular Soda of All Time

What do you think the best soda of all time is?  About 185,000 people took an online poll, and COCA-COLA took the top spot . . . while Pepsi barely even made the top ten.  Even Cherry Coke ranked higher.  Here are the top ten sodas . . .

1.  Coca-Cola.

2.  Dr. Pepper.

3.  Sprite.

4.  Mountain Dew.

5.  A&W Root Beer.

6.  7 Up.

7.  Orange Crush.

8.  Cherry Coke.  Cherry Pepsi came in 31st.

9.  Canada Dry Ginger Ale.

10.  Pepsi.

A few more notables are Barq's Root Beer at #11 . . . Mountain Dew Code Red at #19 . . . RC Cola at #26 . . . Mello Yello at #27 . . . and Diet Dr. Pepper at #36

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